How can I win the Karaoke World Championships?
The first step is participating in local trials and qualifying for your provincial finals. Top contestants from their respective provinces will be invited to compete at the Canadian National Championships. The national winner receives a paid trip to represent Canada at the World Final, which is held in a different location each year. At the World Championships, contestants will four rounds performed in three days. The last person standing wins the title!
What is KWC and when did it start?
The Karaoke World Championships is an annual singing competition involving numerous countries from every corner of the globe, and holds the distinction of being the world’s largest amateur singing competition. The competition has been organized annually since 2003, giving aspiring singers the opportunity to showcase their talent on the world stage. The World Finals have been held in various countries around the world, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 and 2021 finals were turned into online events. You can read more about the history of the competition here.
How can I join as a competitor?
Check whether or not your country is listed on the Countries page. There will be a link to the local webpage, where you should find more information about the trials.
Am I eligible to compete?
If you are over 18 years of age and consider yourself an amateur singer or unsigned talent, you may be eligible. Contact your local administrator for details.
I’m an expat living in a new country, can I represent it in the competition?
Yes, provided that you have permanent resident status.
Which songs can I choose?
You are free to perform any song you like in any language, style or genre. Should the song be in a language unknown to our video jury, we may ask for a translation in English. For our KWC live events we have a catalog of over 100,000 songs available to choose from. However, you may also use your own backings as long as they are licensed and/or legitimately purchased.
What’s in it for the winner?
The winner gets the title of Karaoke World Champion and an invitation (travelling expenses paid) to perform in the next year’s World Final Event, a cash prize and a sponsor prize.
What if I already participated, can I try again?
Former country representatives can participate in the World Finals after a two year hiatus, except for World Champions. You can win the competition only once. Please note: there is no two year hiatus for KWC 2020 or 2021 contestants.